Register for family Events and Volunteering opportunities

We have an exciting lineup of family events for the 2024-2025 school year, and we hope to see you at all of them! From a fun trip to the zoo and engaging learning opportunities on Zoom, to volunteer events and exciting activities like the game truck visiting school, there’s something for everyone to enjoy!

Questions? Contact Jessica Zsoldos, Director of Outreach: or 215-674-2875

**You must be an enrolled family to attend the in person events

(Parent empowerment series is open to all families, staff, board members, and friends)

Family Events (open to all enrolled families)

Parent Empowerment Series (virtual) (open to everyone)

Volunteer Opportunties (families who are cleared to volunteer by submitting clearances)

Upcoming Events

Recent Stories

Managing Impulses & Inhibiting Responding: Expert Talk #2 with Dr. Cheryl Ann Chase
Alex Brosowsky

Calling out in class before raising a hand … talking too much … saying embarrassing things in public … pushing to the front of the line at the playground … 

These are all common examples of why a young child might be called “impulsive” – and impulse control is an important topic related to executive functioning in children. That’s why it’s the second subject that Dr. Cheryl Ann Chase trained both TQS parents and educators on as part of our two-year working partnership

  • Executive Functioning
  • featured
Read More about Managing Impulses & Inhibiting Responding: Expert Talk #2 with Dr. Cheryl Ann Chase