Roadmap to Resilience

Building a Thriving, Healthy Community

How important is it to have resilience -- to be able to recover quickly from difficulties; to effectively cope with adversity; to approach the world with optimism and hope?

At The Quaker School at Horsham, we believe a community grounded in wellness and resilience is key to helping students and staff shine, no matter the circumstances.

That’s why we’re launching the TQS Resilience Project: a comprehensive initiative to improve wellness and resilience in our TQS community. 

Through peer support, intersectionality, empowerment, trust, transparency, collaboration, and safety, the TQS Resilience Project will take ongoing action to strengthen our community's health and support our school's core values.

"Strengthening a student's self-worth is not an 'extra' curriculum that siphons time from teaching academics; if anything, a student's sense of belonging, security, and self-confidence in a classroom provides the scaffolding that bolsters the foundation for enhanced learning, motivation, self-discipline, and caring." -- Dr. Robert Brooks

Roadmap to Resilience

Focus Areas

Physical Health:  We will provide staff and students with more opportunities for movement, health education, and caring for our bodies, through:

  • Sensory/Indoor Movement
  • Restructured Specials Classes
  • Yoga/Mindfulness
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Playworks Recess Program

Mental Health:  We will support the mental health of our community with:

  • Suicide Prevention training
  • Counseling
  • Partnerships
  • Self-exploration and Empowerment


Social-Emotional:  We will integrate SEL language and practices throughout the school day, focusing on:

  • Self-awareness
  • Self-management
  • Social Awareness
  • Responsible Decision-Making
  • Relationship Building
  • Quaker Values

Community:  We will increase collaboration, promote a sense of safety, and examine how our values are applied within the school community through ongoing:

  • Celebrations
  • Affirmations
  • Expectations
  • DEI initiatives
  • Project-based Learning
  • Community Committees

Using a yearlong Wellness Map to track our initiatives and progress, TQS will ensure that these four key areas of wellness and resilience continuously evolve and improve.  

Our goal:  to create a community where each student is empowered to achieve meaningful personal, social, and academic success.

Want to learn more about the TQS Resilience Project?  Email Nicole Negro, Dean of Students.