Why TQS Is Right For Your Family

Finding the right learning environment for a child who struggles in a mainstream school setting can be overwhelming.

Families may wonder: Will my child fit in, make friends, and enjoy learning? Will they reach their full potential? Will they have an independent, fulfilling future?
We understand. At The Quaker School at Horsham (TQS), we are relentless in our commitment to each student's personal, social, and academic success. We believe that the right place for your child exists - and that place may be here.

Is TQS right for your family? Consider these questions:

  • Does my child need a very small class size?
  • Does my child have a diagnosed disability?
  • Does my child struggle with social communication?
  • Does my child have difficulty expressing themselves, or understanding others?
  • Is my child functioning below grade level in reading, writing and/or math?
  • Does my child need support in self-regulation?
  • Does my child need a specialized sensory diet?
  • Does my child struggle with attention, focus or organization?
  • Does my child have a hard time making friends?
  • Do I wish to be involved in my child's educational experience?

If you answer YES to most of these questions, contact admissions (admissions@quakerschool.org) or use the scheduler below to set up a virtual tour of our school.

TQS provides a connected continuum of support from kindergarten through the young adult years to ensure every student has a bright future. We look forward to introducing your family to our community!

Think TQS might be the right fit for your family?

Schedule a Virtual Meeting & Tour

Virtual tours are offered throughout the year on Monday and Wednesday. 
This one hour interactive and personalized Zoom event will provide:

  • Comprehensive review of our program offerings
  • Opportunity to share details about  your student's strengths, challenges, and reasons for seeking a new school.
  • Review of the admissions process and timeline at TQS. 

Our Programs

Sassafras Program

K-8 Program

Upper School Program

Community, college education & employment paths for students ages 18-22

Real-World Ready Program

Apply Now

“Before The Quaker School, I felt left out and jealous of other students in my class. Now, I can fit in for the first time in my life.”

-TQS Student

Posts List

Managing Impulses & Inhibiting Responding: Expert Talk #2 with Dr. Cheryl Ann Chase
Alex Brosowsky

Calling out in class before raising a hand … talking too much … saying embarrassing things in public … pushing to the front of the line at the playground … 

These are all common examples of why a young child might be called “impulsive” – and impulse control is an important topic related to executive functioning in children. That’s why it’s the second subject that Dr. Cheryl Ann Chase trained both TQS parents and educators on as part of our two-year working partnership

  • Executive Functioning
  • featured
Read More about Managing Impulses & Inhibiting Responding: Expert Talk #2 with Dr. Cheryl Ann Chase
Alex Brosowsky

Navigating the complexities of parenting children with ADHD, learning disabilities, autism, and expressive challenges can be an ongoing challenge – which is why here at TQS, we aim to not only champion our students, but also our parents and educators. 

That’s why we've partnered with Dr. Cheryl Chase, a renowned clinical psychologist, to help TQS families and faculty better understand a topic of critical importance to our student community: executive functioning.

  • Executive Functioning
Read More about The Importance of Executive Functions: Expert Talk with Dr. Cheryl Chase

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